Wednesday, April 16, 2008

You're telling me this now?!

Copyrights and you:

As an artist, you have rights and ownership of your own art the moment you make it until forever. (duh) And that was because our consitiution set us up with that, and HAS been since forever. But, of course now with new legislation rapeing every part of our consitution, (although some bits have been for good) a new legislation called Orphan Works is going to release your art away from your owner ship after a time and essentially, let other people take it and make money off of it. I feel very strongly against this, all of my art works are my children- i would NEVER, EVER, let them be taken away that easily. Of course, big companys are set to make money of this legislation- because if you want to keep copyright of your art, you're going to have to get it registered and pay big money to do so. I feel very appaled and against this sort of legislation. I know the government is trying to look out for us, but this is rediculus- they're allowing big business to rule and obviously this isnt what our country was founded on, and most definately not based on THEFT.

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